[cdwg] Lustre 2.4 Features Update

Jones, Peter A peter.a.jones at intel.com
Fri Feb 8 23:30:41 PST 2013

Hi there

The wiki pages have been updated to reflect the final feature content of the upcoming Lustre 2.4 release.

The complete list of features is listed on the Lustre 2.4 scope wiki<http://wiki.whamcloud.com/display/PUB/Lustre+2.4+Scope+Statement>  and the community development wiki<http://wiki.whamcloud.com/display/PUB/Lustre+Community+Development+in+Progress>  has been adjusted to reflect features that were candidates for 2.4 and now have become candidates for the 2.5 release.

The highlights of the release are arguably those features which were called out on the community roadmap<http://wiki.whamcloud.com/display/PUB/Community+Lustre+Roadmap> for Lustre 2.4. The status of these featiures is as follows:

  1.  OSD Restructuring: feature complete. Thanks to LLNL for funding this development work. This code has been running in production on Sequoia since October.
  2.  DNE Phase 1: feature complete. This allow scaling of metadata over multiple metadata servers. Thanks to OpenSFS for funding this development.
  3.  LFSCK MDT FID / LinkEA: feature complete.  This feature provides the means to have online filesystem checks; fixes certain classes of corruptions; alerts admins of detected problems; and optimizes filesystems upgraded from 1.8.x releases. Thanks to OpenSFS for funding this development.
  4.  HSM: HSM client support complete. Congratulations to CEA for the huge steps towards getting this much-anticipated feature complete. When a Lustre release exists with the last few components of this it will be possible for a vanilla Lustre 2.4 client to interoperate with this release.
  5.  Network Request Scheduler: core functionality complete and two additional policies are expected to be landed shortly. Congratulations to Xyratex for completing this lengthy development. This feature creates a mechanism to allow policies to determine how to handle RPC requests.

We will need to discuss any necessary updates to the community roadmap at the next CDWG meeting.

As a reminder, could any development organization hoping to include features in the 2.5 release please ensure that this is communicated to us either directly or via the community development wiki page so that we can factor for this in our planning process and catch possible conflicts early.

Please let me know if anything needs further clarification



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