[cdwg] OpenSFS web site requirements

Hamilton, Pam hamilton5 at llnl.gov
Fri Aug 3 13:53:49 PDT 2012

Hi all,

OpenSFS is in the process of drafting an RFP for getting the OpenSFS web site revamped. I've been directed by the execs to gather requirements from the CDWG for the web site. There is a draft RFP on the OpenSFS home page which does try to capture some requirements (http://www.opensfs.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/opensfs.org-RFP_sss5.pdf). 

Some information in the RFP is dated since OpenSFS now has a functional wiki at http://www.opensfs.org/foswiki/bin/view/Main/WebHome. I have not had time to add any CDWG content yet but hope to start soon. I recommend checking out the wiki's functionality and sending in any feedback you may have.

Here is the start of a list of web site requirements to get us thinking about what we need/want:

* When one "googles" Lustre, the OpenSFS web site should be at the top of the list or close to it
* Emulate linuxfoundation.org especially with regard to how working groups are handled
* Working group pages should be managed by the working group leads and facilitate accessing the OpenSFS wiki

Web site requirements will be the topic of our next conference call but please feel free to respond to this email with your ideas. Stay tuned for the announcement of our next conference call.

Pam Hamilton
Lawrence Livermore National Lab 
P.O. Box 808, L-556
Livermore, CA  94551-9900
E-Mail:  pgh at llnl.gov
Phone:  925-423-1332          Fax:  925-423-8719

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