[cdwg] [wc-discuss] Lustre 2.2.0 released

James A Simmons uja at ornl.gov
Mon Jun 18 08:26:30 PDT 2012

On Mon, 2012-06-18 at 09:56 -0400, Peter Jones wrote:
> Andrei
> Lustre 2.1.x is our current maintenance release stream - see
> http://wiki.whamcloud.com/display/PUB/Lustre+Releases for more
> details.
> I do not think that sites who are interested in running Lustre 2.2
> should necessarily reconsider their plans in light of this. 
> Yes there are bugs in Lustre 2.2, but there are also bugs on older
> releases. 
> Not every bug is relevant to every site. 
> Bugs that are reported against Lustre 2.2 are getting fixed and landed
> for September's upcoming Lustre 2.3 release and so anyone running
> Lustre 2.2 could apply a patch if necessary.
> I hope that this helps clarify things.


	Seeing this email and from the working groups phone call shows a lot of
confusion over what is supported or maintained. So for the last few days
I stepped backed and asked why is everyone confused. What this shows is
lack of explaining to the community what a maintenance and a feature
release are and how they differ. Also the version scheme is not well
	First lets define a maintenance branch. The maintenance branch is
defines as the branch where no new features are added during its life
time. A features branch is one that new improvements are introduced for
validation but will not be supported for general production use and bug
fixes will not be incorporated.
	Currently for the 2.X branches we have 

2.1.X - maintenance branch
2.2   - feature branch
2.3   - feature branch

	So here is my proposal to end this confusion. For maintenance branches
we start a new number i.e for the next one it would be 3.0.0.
At the same time another branch, 3.1 be open for more features. In other
words 3.0.0 and 3.1 would be branched off the same root branch but
evolve in different ways. Yes for 2.X is a bit different due changes in
companies with 2.0 and 2.1.

3.0.0   - maintenance branch
3.1.0   - features branch
3.2.0   - features branch
4.0.0   - maintenance branch 

	I just hope that the 3.0 branch would open up after the 2.3.

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