[cdwg] Wiki Update

Christopher J. Morrone morrone2 at llnl.gov
Wed Nov 7 11:04:54 PST 2012

I was able to get access to OpenSFS's dreamhost account.  I updated the 
Mediawiki instance at wiki.opensfs.org, and things seem to be working ok.


It seems to me that the better place for the wiki is to root it at 
opensfs.org/wiki, and get rid of wiki.opensfs.org (I'd probably put a 
redirect in place).

So here's the situation: if we want something now, Mediawiki will work. 
  If we want Confluence, we're going to need a volunteer to champion 
that effort: get a license, get a server, do the setup, configuration, 
and general sysadmin work.  Perhaps change opensfs to a virtual private 
server and admin that (although now I am beginning to see that we can 
actually do quite a bit within the normal "shared hosting" account that 
we have on Dreamhost).

What do people want?


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