[cdwg] Wiki Update

Christopher J. Morrone morrone2 at llnl.gov
Wed Nov 7 13:14:59 PST 2012

On 11/07/2012 11:47 AM, Nathan Rutman wrote:
> On Nov 7, 2012, at 11:04 AM, Christopher J. Morrone <morrone2 at llnl.gov> wrote:
>> I was able to get access to OpenSFS's dreamhost account.  I updated the Mediawiki instance at wiki.opensfs.org, and things seem to be working ok.
> Oops :)

No problem!  You can certainly play around with it all you like.  I just 
didn't want anyone to get attached to it, and be annoyed if/when I move 
it and start over again.  Or if we get a volunteer to set up Confluence.

>> It seems to me that the better place for the wiki is to root it at opensfs.org/wiki, and get rid of wiki.opensfs.org (I'd probably put a redirect in place).
> Not that I really care, but why is that better?

Putting it under wiki.opensfs.org implies a different computer is 
involved.  With the dreamhost setup, it really is managed under a 
different username and is treated as a separate web site.

I'm of the camp that believes that URLs should be well designed and 
fairly static.  This article explains it a bit:


But this philosophy includes the idea that URLs should be human readable 
and not expose the details of implementation.

The opensfs foswiki URLs are bad because, for instance:


contains the completely useless "foswiki/bin/view/" string.  The 
specific wiki software we use, "foswiki", is a detail users don't need 
to see, and the "bin" and "view" directories are some detail of 
foswiki's operation that we should be hiding.  If URL was:


Then that URL would likely remain good for many years.

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