[cdwg] Summary of OpenSFS CDWG telecon on October 10th

Hamilton, Pam hamilton5 at llnl.gov
Tue Oct 23 14:32:54 PDT 2012

Hi all,

Here is a summary of the telecon on October 10th from my notes:


LLNL - Pam Hamilton, Chris Morrone
Intel - Peter Jones, Chris Gearing 
Cray - Cory Spitz 
ORNL - James Simmons
IU - Justin Miller
Xryatex - Roman Grigoryev, Colin Faber

My apologies if I missed anyone.

*  Review of Action Items from the past

ACTION: Pam will resend the CDWG maintenance branch recommendations to the board and ask for feedback.
   - The board discussed the maintenance branch recommendations on their Sept 4th call. After some discussion about deadlines and schedule slippage, the board came to consensus.  The board supports and is aligned with the CDWG's plan moving forward.  They also sent thanks to the CDWG for the time spent working on the plan.

Some of the topics discussed on the call were:

*  Web site re-do
   - Progress continues on the web site redo with Pam and Chris Morrone working with LoudDog on the effort. LoudDog created a survey for OpenSFS folks to complete to help with their design. Pam will forward the survey link to those on the call who expressed interest in participating. Other CDWG members will be enlisted to help when we are at the mock-up review stage.

*  Lustre Community Roadmap update
   - After the discussion on the Aug 29th CDWG call, Peter Jones updated the roadmap, see: (http://wiki.whamcloud.com/display/PUB/Community+Lustre+Roadmap)
   - There will be another refresh ahead of SC12

ACTION: Pam will ask Terri Quinn to follow up with the board and make sure that any talks at SC12 include the current Community roadmap. It's important for everyone in OpenSFS to be on the same page with regard to the roadmap and not be sending mixed messages.
* Peter requested that people use the CDWG to ask questions about responses to JIRA tickets, etc. It's very important for people to use this community forum to speak up if they feel something is not getting enough attention.

*  Redo of the Lustre Development Community Tree Maintenance contract was discussed.
   -  Proposed changes so far include:
      o  Increasing to five days when the quarterly report is due after end of quarter.
      o  Generally, a lot of the meat is intended to be documented on the OpenSFS wiki with links in the contract pointing to where to find the references. The CDWG will be responsible for facilitating any changes to these references. This will allow us to make changes even minor ones to the references without having to do a contract modification.
      o  Increase scope of testing
         -  Process for setting priorities should be handled by the CDWG
         -  LLNL's Synthetic WorkLoad (SWL) test has proved a very valuable testing tool in the Hyperion environment. LLNL needs to get it reviewed and released so we can share it more freely. It does need some work to make it more general. Maybe, OpenSFS could help fund this effort?
         -  Quality metrics need to be codified and documented on the OpenSFS wiki (this contract would then reference the metrics)
         -  Same goes for release criteria and metrics
      o  The Lustre Maintenance Release Plan will be added as a reference to the contract. 
      o  The process for third-party contributions to Lustre is documented in the contract with a link to additional information (e.g. Best Practices, etc) on the wiki.

ACTION: Pam will work up an initial draft and send out before the next call.

*  Improving testing
   -  Chris Gearing and Roman Grigoryev were introduced and they discussed a presentation they made at LAD regarding a new test framework.

*  An idea was floated to allow for organizations to submit proposals to OpenSFS for discrete tasks that OpenSFS can fund. These could be smaller contracts to accomplish things like improvements to LLNL's SWL mentioned above or Chris and Roman's new test framework.

Next call will be Wednesday, October 24th, at 9am Pacific (Call-in: 866-914-3976 (925-424-8105) Passcode: 534986#)

Proposed agenda:
*  Lustre Development Community Tree Maintenance contract


Pam Hamilton
Lawrence Livermore National Lab 
P.O. Box 808, L-556
Livermore, CA  94551-9900
E-Mail:  pgh at llnl.gov
Phone:  925-423-1332          Fax:  925-423-8719

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