[cdwg] Monitoring Ticket Progress

Jones, Peter A peter.a.jones at intel.com
Thu Jul 25 08:52:58 PDT 2013

Hi John

This would certainly be in alignment with how we expect to handle "troublesome tickets" and indeed – apart from the filters - what we have been doing all along.

These specific filters are a superset of those of interest (they include results from older branches outside the remit of the CDWG), but we could certainly try and refine them and see if this helps to stimulate discussions.

To date, we have rarely (if at all) had specific example raised in the meetings.



On 7/25/13 4:47 AM, "John Forgan" <john_forgan at xyratex.com<mailto:john_forgan at xyratex.com>> wrote:


With so much happening with Lustre and the nature of Open Source participation in general it can be pretty tricky to keep track of ticket states and, in particular, defects. Different organisations will possibly have different priorities and it is difficult for the Gatekeepers and other monitors to determine relative priorities.

With that in mind, I'm wondering if it might be useful to track those tickets that seem to have stalled. For example, fixes that have not been reviewed, or that have been reviewed but not landed and that haven't had any activity for say a month.

A couple of filters that we've looked at that might be used are:

Not Completed Review:


Reviewed, but not landed:


Perhaps the results of these, or similar, filters could be embedded in the CDWG Wiki page and could be discussed at the CDWG meetings?

To highlight individual priorities we could also ask participants to provide notice to the CDWG of "troublesome" tickets prior to the CDWG meeting where they could then be discussed.

I'd be keen to hear your thoughts and perhaps we can discuss the proposal at the next call?

Best regards



John Forgan
Senior Software Engineering Manager
Office : +44 (0)2392 496819
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john_forgan at xyratex.com<http://john_forgan@xyratex.com>

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